Darrell Evans' Business Growth Blog

Benefits of DISC Assessments in Professional Development

Written by Darrell Evans | 5/15/24 4:40 PM

In a captivating episode of The MindShift Podcast, Stacy Mulligan discuss the mechanics of personal growth, career pivots, and the profound impact of knowing personality types through DISC tests.

This discussion sheds light on handling individual and professional transitions and provides practical solutions for improving workplace harmony and leadership effectiveness.


Transitioning Careers: The Power of Pivoting

Stacy Mulligan, a Maxwell-certified speaker and transformational coaching specialist, discusses her inspiring journey from real estate and fitness to becoming a well-known speaker and coach.

Every seven years, Stacy finds herself changing her professional direction. While these shifts can be complex, she notes that they have propelled her to greater heights than she ever anticipated.

These professional changes should not be considered failures but exploratory steps toward greater fulfillment and Influence.


Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Stacy candidly discusses the self-doubts that accompany each job transition and how she overcomes these challenges by focusing on the value she can contribute to others rather than her concerns.

This mindset shift is crucial for anyone on the edge of change, reminding us that personal growth necessitates stepping outside our comfort zones and accepting the unexpected.


The Role of DISC Assessments in Personal and Professional Growth

The DISC behavioral assessment tool has four major types: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliance (C).

Stacy highlights the utility of the entrepreneur DISC test specifically designed for business leaders, suggesting it as a crucial step for anyone serious about personal introspection and professional development.


Enhancing Team Dynamics and Leadership

The application of DISC assessments extends beyond personal growth into systematic organizational improvements.

Leaders can optimize roles to boost productivity and workplace harmony by understanding the diverse personality types within a team.

Stacy discusses using DISC during hiring processes to ensure candidates fit their roles effectively, thereby enhancing job satisfaction and performance.


Educational Opportunities and Resources

Recognizing the importance of these tools, Stacy offers Module 1 of her DISC course for free to podcast listeners who take the assessment.

This gesture underlines her commitment to spreading awareness about the benefits of understanding DISC profiles in personal improvement and leadership.

Listeners are encouraged to visit stacymulligan.com to access this valuable resource and integrate these insights into their everyday lives and businesses.


Personal Anecdotes and Life Beyond Motherhood

Stacy also shares her journey in navigating life's transitions, including her experience as an empty-nester.

She discusses how storytelling and keynote speeches have become platforms for her to connect with and inspire others facing similar life stages.


Conclusion: Embracing Change and Personal Growth

Stacy's journey through different career paths and using the DISC assessment to enhance personal and professional growth is truly inspiring. It’s clear that understanding our behavioral styles improves how we interact within teams and paves the way for more effective leadership and personal fulfillment.

To our listeners, I hope today’s episode encourages you to think about how to apply these tools in your life and perhaps reassess your career or personal journey.

Remember, pivoting isn’t about failure but finding new avenues to use your talents and passions.

If you’re interested in learning more about your DISC profile and wish to take advantage of the free Module 1 offer, check out www.thestacymulligan.com.

Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed today’s conversation, don’t forget to subscribe to The MindShift Podcast and leave a review.

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Until next time, keep shifting your mindset towards success and growth.


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