Darrell Evans' Business Growth Blog

Darrell Gets Emotional Celebrating Five Years of the MindShift Podcast

Written by Darrell Evans | 7/19/24 7:49 PM


We’re celebrating the 5th anniversary of The MindShift Podcast, and I can hardly believe how far we’ve come.

Episode 298 is a testament to perseverance, growth, and the incredible power of human connections. As I reflect on this milestone, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone who has been part of this journey.

First and foremost, a massive shout-out to Leah Bryant, our stellar producer. Leah, your dedication and commitment to producing the show on time, every single time, have been nothing short of miraculous. Your support feels like having an unflappable superhero behind the scenes—unseen but profoundly impactful.

To our early guests, Reggie Bennett (RIP), Will Reed, Richard Jack, Marcel Baker, and Nino Galloway, your contributions laid the foundation upon which The MindShift Podcast stands tall today. Each of your episodes was a brick in the understructure of what we’ve built together. Your stories and insights have had a ripple effect, inspiring countless listeners to think deeper and aim higher.

I cannot go on without mentioning the invaluable role of Mary, our current video editor, and Nicole Sayosa, my rock-solid executive assistant. Mary, your eye for detail brings our visuals to life, enhancing the way we tell stories. Nicole, your knack for organization keeps this ship sailing smoothly, even when the waters get choppy.

This anniversary is not just a celebration; it’s a time for heartfelt thanks. To every listener who has taken the time to provide feedback and critique—thank you. Your voices push us to constantly improve, reminding us that there’s always room for growth. You are the soft hum that guides the melody of our progress.

Some of the most touching moments of this journey involve hearing how the podcast has transformed lives. One memory stands out vividly— a truck driver wrote us a letter about how the episodes keep him motivated on long, lonely drives. A business owner mentioned that our discussions fuel his entrepreneurial spirit. Even an old friend said the podcast helped him through a tough phase. These stories are the wind under our wings, especially on days when the going gets tough.

Yes, there have been challenging moments. There were days I thought about hanging up the mic for good. During the three-month hiatus at the height of COVID, we learned a valuable lesson—50% of our audience didn’t return. It was a wake-up call: our listeners’ attention and loyalty are treasures that we must continuously earn and honor.

Speaking of loyalty, a heartfelt thank you to Ashley Wood, my partner, for her unwavering belief in this vision. You never stopped encouraging me, even when I procrastinated for three years before finally launching the show in 2019. My kids and grandkids are my constant source of inspiration. Thank you for reminding me why I started this podcast in the first place. Each episode is a legacy I hope will inspire future generations, especially my daughter’s recent feedback, which has been a beautiful reminder of the podcast’s impact.

Our mission remains crystal clear: to help listeners shift their mindset and shift their results. Remember, it’s not just about grand ideas but the small, consistent mindset shifts that drive meaningful change. I vividly recall attending a leadership and personal development conference by Brendan Burchard in 2019. It was the catalyst I needed to push past my own fears and obstacles. If I could start, you can too.

Looking forward, get excited for upcoming topics—AI, blockchain, health, mental wellness, and more entrepreneurship and business growth for sure. Entrepreneurs, there’s a wealth of insight on leveraging AI for growth and efficiency that we can’t wait to share with you. Stay tuned for AI-focused events and masterminds designed to revolutionize the way small businesses operate.

To our listeners in 2,210 cities and 118 countries, thank you for being part of this incredible community. Each episode is a piece of my or my guest's heart, aimed at making a positive impact on your lives. Thank you for your continued support and for being the reason for The MindShift Podcast.

So, here’s to five years of growth, learning, and countless shifts in mindset. I encourage you to take action on your dreams. No more procrastination—if I can overcome it, so can you. Let’s continue this journey together, pushing boundaries and creating waves of impact.

Thanks for listening,