Darrell Evans' Business Growth Blog

Pursuing Better and Making an Impact

Written by Darrell Evans | 1/19/23 11:14 PM

Episode 109

Is pursuing better and making an impact something that you strive to do? Today’s guest, Edgar Sierra is diving into his story and how he sets out to do this each day. 

Edgar is the founder of E Sierra Media. A media company specializing in photography, videography, digital design, and entrepreneurship. His team strives to give everyone the quality in creative messaging and production that they deserve to expand their business needs.

His company brings a unique, elegant and straightforward creativity to Jaguar, Land Rover, AAF Reno, Reno Philharmonic, and United Federal Credit Union. He’s also the host of The Daily Entrepreneur Podcast and is currently working on his Master’s in Information Technology with an Emphasis in Cyber Security.

In this episode, Edgar demonstrates the power of saying yes and taking a chance when the opportunity presents itself. At the young age of 26, he is just scratching the surface of the impact he hopes to make, so be sure to tune in!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the complete episode:

  1. Learn about Edgar’s determination to pursue better and make an impact in the creative industry.
  2. Discover how the power of saying yes led to Edgar catapulting his business.
  3. Edgar shares his experience of scarce mentality in the industry and discusses the importance of community over competition.

Episode Highlights

Who is Edgar Sierra

    • Edgar is the founder of E.Sierra Media.
    • The host of The Daily Entrepreneur Podcast.
    • He’s currently working on his Master’s in Information Technology with an Emphasis in Cyber Security.

Growing up

    • Being a Mexican American growing up in a rough neighborhood, Edgar says his life set him to fail.
    • People either did drugs, got pregnant at a young age, or left in a box.
    • Edgar and his family witnessed shootings, deaths, and gang fights while sitting out on summer nights.
    • He didn’t want to be part of those statistics.

Developing a solid work ethic

    • Edgar is a first-generation entrepreneur in his family, and everyone else had worked blue-collar jobs that were labor-intensive.
    • His father worked in Geotech drilling.
    • At the age of 16, Edgar would spend summers with his father at work.
    • He was taught to have a strong work ethic at a young age but was determined to find work where hard work led to profits and success.

His birth story and overcoming the odds

    • Edgar’s mother had blood clots when she was pregnant with him.
    • The doctors had told her that they either needed to save her or her son.
    • She chose to save her son, but luckily, both of them survived.
    • Hearing this story was a defining moment for Edgar to live life to the fullest.

Going to college

    • Edgar graduated from Sparks High School in 2013.
    • He then received his Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Truckee Meadows Community College in 2017.
    • Edgar then moved on to the University of Nevada – Reno, where he completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Photography, with double minors in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship.
    • He is currently working on his Master’s in Information Technology with an Emphasis in Cyber Security.

Leaving a good job

    • At the age of 21, Edgar worked as a Federal Officer for the Dept. of Homeland Security.
    • He was making great money with federal benefits.
    • Edgar fell out of love with the job and quit.
    • He did not know what he would do next. He just knew that this was not where he wanted to be.

Starting his business

    • Edgar spent time contemplating what he would do next and realized that it was now or never; he wanted to be happy.
    • He started his business in 2017, with a little desk in the corner of his room.
    • He started with photoshoots, charging $30 per image.

From amateur to head of photography

    • Edgar went to do a photoshoot out at Moon Rocks, a light painting type of photography.
    • A lady approached him while he was having fun and trying new things, and she asked to see his photos.
    • She loved what she saw and offered him a job as her head photographer, which shocked him.

Taking a chance

    • Edgar had her card and thought he’d take a chance and reach out.
    • They met for coffee on a Friday morning, discussed her publications, and needed help.
    • By Friday afternoon, her assistant contacted him and said, you have a shoot with Jaguar and Land Rover in two weeks.

From $30 to $500 per image

    • Working with these two big brands was a defining moment for Edgar and his business.
    • He went to the photoshoot thinking they would not like the images, but he went ahead anyway and grabbed the opportunity.
    • They ended up loving the photos, wanted five images, and offered to pay him $500 per image.

The scarce mentality of others

    • Earning money led to Edgar wanting to get the proper structures and licenses in place.
    • He found that no one in the creative industry wished to guide him as they saw him as competition.
    • However, a friend offered to help him, wanting nothing in return, just that Edgar pays it forward down the road.
    • This changed the trajectory of E Sierra Media and made him realize that there are good people out there.

Realizing his potential

    • The moment that Edgar made $500 per image from his photoshoot with Jaguar and Land Rover, he realized his potential.
    • If the likes of Jaguar and Land Rover appreciated his photography when he considered himself to be an amateur, this was the validation he needed.
    • This motivated him to keep taking chances, saying yes to opportunities, pursuing better, and making an impact.

AAF Reno Organization

    • Because of the publications with Jaguar and Land Rover, Edgar started generating clients he would never have imagined.
    • A photographer was supposed to show up at the AAF Reno organization but didn’t.
    • They didn’t have a budget for Edgar but offered lunch for his services in exchange.
    • Again, Edgar took a chance and learned a valuable lesson that it’s not always necessarily about making money, but the opportunity to make money down the road.

The power of saying yes

    • Saying yes to AAF Reno led to many business opportunities for Reno Philharmonic. 
    • AAF Reno constantly pushed business his way, and Edgar ended up on the Board of Directors.
    • Saying yes to the offer of head photographer opened up the door to work on two prominent brands, which catapulted his business.
    • It’s easy to self-sabotage, but taking chances and saying yes can change the course of your life.

The Daily Entrepreneur Podcast

    • Edgar created the podcast in 2019 to show community over competition.
    • He hosts entrepreneurs from different industries to share their stories, successes, failures, growth, and plans for the future.
    • By being an example of pursuing better and making an impact, he hopes to encourage and inspire others to do the same.
    • It’s free advice for anyone who wants to take the time to listen.

Transition to corporate photography

    • E.Sierra Media is making the change to B2B instead of B2C.
    • Edgar wants the team and their work to focus on helping entrepreneurs take the next step.
    • They’re stepping away from portrait photography to focus more on giving content to businesses.
    • A one-stop shop for all your media needs.

How does Edgar Sierra want to be remembered?

    • He wants to be remembered as the guy who was determined to follow his dreams and lived without regret.

3 Powerful Quotes from this Episode

11:03 – “. . . huge brands, Jaguar and Land Rover. I’m like, it can’t be, but it was and that, that was kind of a defining moment for my business because I went into the photoshoot just saying, You know what? They’re not going to like them. That’s cool. I’m okay with that. But I’m gonna take my chances no matter what happens”

20:34 – “In my mind, I said, if Jaguar and Land Rover appreciate this photography when I’m an amateur, what I consider an amateur. . .And they love this, I got potential”. 

22:36 – “I never wanted to live a life of regrets or what-ifs.”


About Edgar Sierra

E Sierra Media, founded in 2017 by Edgar Sierra, had the idea to become a photography hot spot; however, over the years, it has grown to be a video and digital design company that can support anyone’s creative needs.

E Sierra Media has grown and expanded, a company that brings unique, simple, and elegant creativity to its work. Now, with a growing staff, they can create quality work and continue to blossom further to provide more services in the creative industry.

They are a local business with support from clientele like Jaguar, Land Rover, AAF Reno, Reno Philharmonic, and United Federal Credit Union.

Since its humble beginnings, E Sierra Media started The Daily Entrepreneur Podcast in 2019 and opened a studio in 2020.

The team at E Sierra Media strives to give everyone the quality in creative messaging and production that they deserve to expand their business needs.


Connect with Edgar




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