Top 7 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

2 Minutes Read



Selecting  the right digital marketing agency in today’s fast-paced digital landscape can have a profound impact on your business. However, it's crucial to recognize potential pitfalls.

Leveraging over 14 years of industry experience, here are seven crucial warning signs to look out for when choosing a digital marketing partner.


1. Poor Communication


Clear and effective communication is essential for a successful partnership. Before you even finalize a deal, pay close attention to how a digital marketing agency communicates.

Are their responses clear and timely? Do they provide regular updates?

Red flags include delayed responses, vague language, and inconsistent communication.

For instance, one contractor shared a story of going years without proper updates from their agency—something unacceptable in today’s business landscape. Clear communication is non-negotiable for setting expectations and achieving your business goals


2. Lack of Transparency


Transparency is essential in any business relationship. Some agencies may claim proprietary methods, but most digital marketing tools and processes are widely known.

Ensuring clear access to software, reports, and relevant data is critical.

Without this openness, you risk paying for services you don’t fully understand or benefit from, leading to wasted resources and missed opportunities


3. Over Promising Results


It's understandable to want quick results, but be cautious of unrealistic promises. The reality of digital marketing is that effective strategies take time to yield results.

Consider it a red flag if someone guarantees specific outcomes by a certain date.

Building a successful digital presence is a gradual process, and anyone who claims otherwise may not be setting realistic expectations.


4. Rushing into Tasks Without Proper Strategy


Acting without a clear strategy is like setting off on a journey without a map. Drawing from 'The Art of War,' the adage "tactics before strategy is the noise before defeat" is key.

Be cautious of agencies eager to dive into tasks without discussing a well-rounded plan.

Understanding each task and how it aligns with your overall goals is vital. You should have a clear view of the plan weekly and monthly


5. Lack of Industry-Specific Experience


Industry experience is crucial in digital marketing, as it often outweighs certifications, which can be obtained quickly but may not reflect real-world expertise.

Darrell emphasizes the need to choose an agency with a proven track record in your specific industry.

This ensures they grasp the unique challenges and opportunities your business encounters


6. Overlooking Reviews and Testimonials


In today's digital landscape, researching an agency's reputation is easier than ever.

Before making a commitment, review testimonials and case studies on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook.

These insights can reveal an agency's track record and validate its ability to deliver results, helping you make an informed decision.


7. Ownership of Accounts and Intellectual Property


One of the most crucial considerations when hiring a digital marketing agency is ensuring you maintain ownership of all accounts and intellectual property.

Darrell highlights the importance of owning key assets like your Google Ads account, Facebook Business Manager account, and website.

This ownership safeguards you from agencies that might hold these assets hostage or demand hefty fees to transfer control back to you.




Successfully navigating the digital marketing landscape requires vigilance and transparent criteria for selecting the right agency.

Darrell Evans highlights the importance of being aware of key red flags, including poor communication, lack of transparency, unrealistic promises, rushing into execution without a strategy, limited industry experience, overlooked reviews, and ownership issues.

By keeping these warning signs in mind, you can make a well-informed decision and select a digital marketing partner that aligns with your business goals.


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Darrell Evans

Darrell Evans is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and Co-founder/CEO of Yokel Local Digital Marketing Agency. He and his teams have helped businesses generate over $300M+ in revenue online. Every month, he leads virtual workshops teaching actionable strategies and tips from his experience helping companies market, grow, and scale.
